Headlamp is a Kubernetes GUI installed in-cluster. It's an official CNCF project that we heavily customize with custom plugins. Offering a holistic view of all Kubernetes objects, it enables administrators and developers to gain insights, troubleshoot issues, and optimize performance.
Headlamp is integral for monitoring the health and performance of applications, understanding usage patterns, and making informed decisions about scaling and resource allocation.
Helm Chart: https://github.com/headlamp-k8s/headlamp/tree/main/charts/headlamp
Custom Plugins: https://code.vt.edu/it-common-platform/platform-support/headlamp-plugins
AWS PROD Headlamp: https://headlamp.prod.aws.itcp.cloud.vt.edu
Update Concerns#
Critical Concerns#
- We need to test changes to plugins and the Headlamp version on our dvlp tiers as it is a critical application for users. Many users will consider that all of ITCP is down when they cannot access Headlamp. It's also the only way for users to get tokens for kubectl access.
General Concerns#
- Ensure that updates to Headlamp do not conflict with existing integrations or data sources.
- Monitor for any deprecations or breaking changes when planning for upgrades.